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Our research centre works with industry through collaboration on research projects, consulting industry professionals, keeping our stakeholders informed of new research outcomes and practical tools, maintaining good connections, and offering capacity-building training opportunites.

Track record of communication & engagement activities through regular conferences, workshops, trainings and meetings, including:






  • Micro-credential courses available to industry practitioners through UWA, including:



Data Analysis with R for Agriculture and Environmental Science


Performance Measurement with Data Envelopment Analysis


Applied Benefit: Cost Analysis



Leveraging government research funding for our industry partners, including:


  • Access to innovative and cutting edge research, decision tools and frameworks.


  • Linkages with experts from research institutes, universities, research centres.


  • Opportunities for training and capacity-building workshops.


  • Co-funded industry scholarships for our students, for example, Rabobank's Tertiary Pathways Scholarship.


  • Research results published via peer reviewed journals, books, and at conferences (see our list of publications).


  • Ethical and objective research in accordance with university ethics policies and procedures.



Strong connections and strategic relationships with the agricultural industry through various pathways:



  • ​Joint appointment at Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre 


  • Participation in Advisory Committees, including Chair of Australian Farm Institute, and member of the Social Science and Economics at Food Standards Australia New Zealand 


  • Research partnerships with industry, for example Australian Pork Limited 


  • Co-supervision of postgraduate research students for projects addressing research gaps important to industry.


  • Regular consultancy contracts, for example BHP Billiton and WA Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development 


  • Participation at industry forums and events,  including key-note presentations, for example: 

    • ​Mingenew Irwin Group Springfield Day

    • GRDC Research Updates

    • Grain Industry Association of Western Australia events


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Green Field

Our capabilities

  • Using behavioural economics to understand adoption drivers of new farm technologies and management practices – including customising existing tools such as ADOPT;


  • Agricultural development: Institutions, poverty, food security, and nutrition;


  • Survey and interview tools to assess consumer preferences for novel food products and production practices;


  • Benefit-cost analysis of new farm management practices, technologies and RD&E activities;


  • Design and use of prioritisation tools to assist investment in technologies and RD&E;


  • Farm productivity and profitability analysis;


  • Market analysis for agricultural commodities, including consumer expectations, international trade, and supply chain considerations;


  • Qualitative and quantitative assessment of non-market impacts and externalities from farming systems;


  • Risk analysis and evaluation of business performance at the farm level and across value chains;


  • Facilitating information collection with small and large stakeholder groups through interviews, focus groups, and workshops;


  • Project design and management in collaboration with R&D organisations, industry and regulatory bodies.

Industry tools

The following decision tools are useful resources for industry practitioners:



Applied by GRDC

RIM is a decision support software package that can help farmers to evaluate the long-term cropping profitability of strategic and tactical ryegrass control methods, on the long-term and at the paddock scale.

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Applied by MLA

MIDAS is an economic modelling approach to provide a more quantitative and better economic understanding of a farming system to enhance judgement. 



Applied by CSIRO

ADOPT is designed to help users think about and analyse how an agricultural innovation will be adopted within a given population.



Applied by environmental organisations and consultancies

INFFER is an economic approach aimed at addressing environmental issues. It is designed to help managers achieve the most valuable environmental outcomes with the available resources.

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