With support from the Centre for Water and Spatial Science (CWSS) and the Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy (CEEP) at the University of Western Australia, the W.E. Wood Award is being restarted in 2024 after a gap of 20 years, at the initiative of the previous Award winners and to coincide with the centenary of the first publication on Australian salinity processes.
The W.E. Wood award previously recognised outstanding research on the understanding and management of dryland salinity. The focus is now being expanded to include research into any aspects of water processes and management, and water-related land management, in the Western Australian landscape and the implications for agriculture, environment and society.
The award is open for researchers from all disciplines and any organisation. The winner will receive a trophy and be invited to present a public lecture.
“Research has derived some practical and economic solutions to reverse salinity, but it remains an ongoing struggle and requires innovation.” — CEEP's Co-Director, Professor David Pannel
Download the nomination form and either self-nominate or nominate a worthy colleague. Please apply by May 31, 2024 by emailing your nomination form to: ceep@uwa.edu.au
Past winners (and their affiliation(s) at the time of their award):
Glenn Walker - CSIRO
Richard George - Department of Agriculture, WA.
Tom Hatton - CSIRO
Ed Barrett-Lennard - Department of Agriculture WA and CRC for Plant-Based Management of Dryland Salinity
David Pannell - University of Western Australia and CRC for Plant-Based Management of Dryland Salinity
For more information:
Visit: W.E. Wood Award
UWA Media Release: Centenary of salinity research marked by award relaunch
Dave Pannell, CEEP Co-Director: david.pannell@uwa.edu.au
Nik Callow, CWSS Director: nik.callow@uwa.edu.au