Wednesday 1st June 2022 from 5:30pm (AWST)
Panelists: Colin Barnett, Peter Robertson, Fay Rola-Rubzen and Sally Dawkins
Moderator: Anu Rammohan
The Western Australia Philippines Business Council (WAPBC), in partnership with UWA and ANZCHAM, is presenting a roundtable discussion concerning the possible ramifications of the outcome of the Australian and Philippines national elections. The Philippines is one of Australia’s longest standing bilateral relationships. Both nations are not only geographically proximate but have over the last 75 years developed a wide-ranging friendship based around strong political, defence, security, development, education, and economic partnerships.
As the Philippines emerges from the pandemic, there are considerable opportunities for Australia to expand existing trade, investment, and economic ties. The Philippines’ continuing demand for consumer goods and services – particularly technical services, agricultural products, e-commerce platforms, cybersecurity, and online education offerings – together with its ambitious infrastructure investment agenda are synergistic with Australia’s industry capabilities.
Please register to join this roundtable discussion either online (free) or in person ($50 ticket). Please refer to the flyer below for more information.
Event Details:
In order to address issues pertinent to our audience, this event will follow a roundtable format where panelists will carry out discussion based on questions submitted by you, the participant, beforehand. The moderator will lead the discussions based on your questions.
Please submit your questions to: by Tuesday 25 May 2022.